OEM Solutions
The power of NovaTech in more places
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Keeping things in sync
Today our Bitronics PowerPlex II automation transducers help CAT backup generators synchronize to the grid.
Add monitoring and control to legacy solutions
Our Orion RTUs enable S&C to remotely pull data from legacy Micro-AT® Source- Transfer Control Units.
Bringing the power of Orion to the enterprise
The OrionVX can serve as a virtual SCADA Data engine within larger EMS, DERMS, ADMS, OMS, and other systems.
Third Party OEM products in NovaTech solutions
Our automation solutions are improved by incorporating best-in-class OEM products into our designs, such as high-accuracy split core CTs and SFP transducers. Let us know how your products can make our products better, and we’ll listen.
Let’s talk
Call us today at 844.NovaTech (668-2832)
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