The next paradigm in SCADA and substation automation
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Out of the box
OrionVX is OrionOS - the common firmware, software options, protocols, and configuration common to all Orions - in a pure software form. OrionVX runs on standard servers in the substation, in the enterprise, or in the cloud.
NovaTech is a proud member of the vPAC Alliance
The Virtual Protection and Control Alliance (vPAC) mission is to develop an interoperable, standards-based platform for the next-generation smart grid. Using virtualized versions of standard solutions and software-defined technologies, participants can build out the adaptive, intelligent tools and algorithms needed for the grid of the future.
From the enterprise
The power of IT-grade servers can expand the capability of Orion, enabling it to take on the largest front end processing applications, and to serve valuable power and asset data to more users. A virtual Orion can also be added to the user EMS, ADMS, or DERMS, adding the full power of Orion protocols and software.
In the substation
Hardened, redundant servers will host the OrionVX RTU/HMI applications as well as applications for protection & control, Phasor Measurement (PMU), asset monitoring, recording, and power analysis. Merging Units and Process Interface Units (PIUs), distributed throughout the substation, will stream digitized, real time data to and from breakers, transformers, and other apparatus.
Let’s talk
Call us today at 844.NovaTech (668-2832)
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