Bitronics Ten Year Hassle-Free Unconditional Guarantee
PUBLISHED ON Jul 11, 2012
This new warranty applies to all Bitronics products, and is retroactive to all shipments made from Bitronics from January 2, 2012. All previous Bitronics terms and conditions apply.
70 Series Update
Version 3.09 firmware is the latest version. A split-core CT option has been added for the M571 making installation easier. As with the M65x, each of the three split-core CTs is calibrated and labeled per phase. For the M571, the split-core CTs provide 5A nominal linear to 100A for recording, while still maintaining the .5% revenue class accuracy available with 100A M571 with the internal CTs. The CTs are the same as those used in the M65x, offering such positive features as spring-tensioned 2-bolt gate which is more durable and produces less variation in magnetic characteristics than hinge-and-snap type gates used by some competitors, and also uses heat-treated high-permeability nickel core material that produces superior low-end and phase angle response and repeatability characteristics compared with inferior ferrite core material used by some competitors. A new order guide and an application guide describing the split-core features are available.
50 Series Update
Version 3.06 firmware is the latest version. With this release, the password default has changed to non from previously being “aaaa.” A new panel mount version of the three-display-at-once M653 SCADA meter is now available. This mounts through a 4″ round hole with mounting studs (similar to the M650, MultiComm, etc.) and is 14″ wide as opposed to the original 19″ rack mount version. With this addition, the original 19″ wide, 3U high rack mount version will have the characters 0R added to the end of the part number, while 0P will be used to order the 14″ wide, 3U high panel mount version. An updated order guide has been created for the M653. The M653 offers ease for setup and installation, an outstanding, easily read display, and a robust implementation of Modbus and DNP3 protocols with both serial and TCP connectivity.