Orion Redundancy
Hot Active-Standby Redundancy replicates operator HMI bi-directionally and minimizes duplicated and/or missed events without interruption.
PUBLISHED ON Dec 16, 2018
The OrionLX CPX and the OrionLXm can be configured as a hot-standby redundant pair to support applications as a SCADA RTU, substation HMI, Alarm Annunciator, SOE Recorder and substation controller with low-speed to medium-speed logic. Both Orions run identical NCD configurations, logic and webpage configurations, and configurations are auto-replicated between the two.
Key Features
- Communication to DNP3 SCADA minimizes missed events and avoids duplicate events during switchover using OrionLX database synchronization.
- TCP SCADA can poll to a single TCP at a single IP address. The “Active” OrionLX assumes an alias IP address to make this possible.
- Serial SCADA interacts with Active Orion until throwover is required to Standby. Event buffers are intelligently managed to avoid event floods.
- Tags and Tag Log, Acknowledged Alarms, and Blocked Points and other operator-initiated actions are replicated bi-directionally (Active-to-Standby and Standby-to-Active), so operators can use either HMI for viewing status, placing tags, acknowledging alarms, blocking points or executing controls.
- OrionLX Math & Logic schemes are simplified though database synchronization.
- All IEDs can be polled by both Active and Standby Orion, ensuring that the communication health of the Standby Orion is known prior to throwover.
- Communication health and other diagnostic data is continuously monitored between Standby and Active Orion.
- Throwover to the Standby OrionLX can be accomplished manually or automatically.
- A “Standalone” mode is offered for testing configurations and upgraded firmware.
- NCD, Math & Logic and SVG webpage configurations and SVG pages loaded to Active Orion are automatically transferred to Standby Orion.
- A redundancy diagnostic and status webpage provides intuitive situational awareness