OrionLX Performs Distribution Automation Controls in Simulated High-Renewables Penetration Microgrid
PUBLISHED ON Nov 19, 2013
NovaTech Automation announces its latest case study:
Research Paper: Synchronized Real-Time Simulation of Distributed Networked Controls for a Power System Case Study
By Abhishek Jain, Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Masters Engineering student Abhishek Jain and his professors at the Colorado State University Energy and Engines Lab used an OrionLX to initiate fault isolation and restoration functions within a simulated 26KV microgrid feeder.
From the Abstract:
The purpose of this study is to develop and implement a distributed networked control framework for a power system simulation. The study addresses and improves upon speed and accuracy of simulation for computationally intensive power system dynamic simulations and distributed control utilizing Hardware-In-Loop (HIL) simulations.