Welcome to NovaTech Automation’s new & improved Power Community!

What was once housed at power.novatechautomation.com has been rebuilt from the ground up and integrated into our primary website. This is another big step as we continue to improve and unify the NovaTech customer experience.

If you have any questions at all, please contact us at either orion.support@novatechautomation.com or bitronics.support@novatechautomation.

If you have any feedback, suggestions or bug reports, please use the “Community Feedback” button and we’ll welcome your comments.

Here’s what’s new:

Everything in one place

We’ve consolidated our support experience. All document types are listed side by side, including tutorials and past webinars. And further consolidation is on the way, such ease of support case creation, advanced documentation search and software downloads.

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More secure

New passwordless login functionality for increased security and improved ease of use. Note that to protect our customers we only provide access to verified company email domains (no gmail, yahoo, yandex, etc.). This only requires you have access and control of your email address, so no need to remember (or regularly change) your password.

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Improved Layout & User Interface

Each product has its own dedicated page, allowing more immediate ease of access of relevant resources. And our multi-filterable table will allow you to more granularly find whatever else you may be looking for.

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