Distribution Automation

A more complex grid demands modern approaches to feeder management and outage restoration

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Solve feeder automation challenges and maintain steady state with less effort

The more Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) and loads on a feeder, the more intelligent your feeder automation, transformer balancing, and voltage management need to be. NovaTech Automation solutions minimize capital expenditure, improve operational awareness, maintain a flat voltage profile, and keep your SAIDI numbers low.

System outages resolved, automatically

Orion makes it easy to access data from disparate substations and line devices and to design and test FLISR and other DA schemes. Your customers won’t even notice the improved reliability and better SAIDI numbers, and that’s the whole point.

Ensure consistent voltage on long and dynamic feeders

The constant variability of solar and wind DERs (especially those not controlled by the utility) present significant challenges to maintaining a voltage profile within ANSI C84.1 guidelines. The Distribution Grid Monitor (DGM) is a packaged voltage monitoring solution that includes poletop sensors, a Bitronics M661 Meter with I/O, and communications hardware. DGMs provide comprehensive voltages, loads, reactive power and fault data (with accuracy of 0.5% or better, from sensor to DNP value) to Advanced Distribution Management Systems and Volt-VAR Optimization systems.

"NovaTech Automation always steps up. You guys are great. I wish all my vendors were as accommodating."

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