DistribuTech 2016 Presentation Videos
PUBLISHED ON Mar 22, 2016
NovaTech Automation booth attendees at the DistribuTech conference held in Orlando in February were able to learn about a variety of substation automation topics including NERC CIP Cyber Security, basic SCADA setup and configuration, NovaTech Automation systems and services capabilities, and advanced 61850, GOOSE and Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP) applications. Each of these concise 15-25 minute presentations are made available as videos below.
NERC CIP Cyber Security Solutions
Jeremy Anderson and Robert Held of partner firm Tripwire describe Cyber Security solutions.
Utility Systems and Services
Mark Matassa describes NovaTech Automation capabilities in “Systems and Services” including substation RTUs, installation and commissioning.
61850, PRP, and Merging
Bruce Muschlitz describes advanced substation technologies including PRP (Parallel Redundancy Protocol), HSR (High Availability Seamless Redundancy), IEC 61850, Merging Units and Process Bus.
SCADA in 20 Minutes
Chuck Englebrecht describes how to set up a typical SCADA RTU. This video includes step-by-step configuration of an OrionLX, a Bitronics 50 Series SCADA Panel Meter and a custom HMI webpage.