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PUBLISHED ON Mar 20, 2019
D3v16 Tutorial Videos
Want to learn more about the features and improvements in D/3 version 16 but don’t have an upgraded system yet? Our growing video library of brief (3 to 5 minute) tutorials is the perfect way to get more familiar with the most frequently asked questions and updated features. Click below to check out the following topics (community login required):
MDL Builder
EPN TaMDL Builder – EPN Tables
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D/3 V16.1 is targeted for release on June 28, 2019. It will add PCM5 features allowing the use of local SABL program variables and the ability to add new sequence units online, capabilities often requested by the user community. Virtual PCM5s will be able to build and simulate PCM 4100/4200 applications using older I/O families including 16000 I/O and Quantum I/O in addition to Ethernet I/O families such as 8000 I/O.
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Tips & Tricks: Using Powershell to Bulk Modify FlexBatch Recipes
Making global recipe changes can be overwhelming due to the amount of information contained in a typical FlexBatch® recipe set. The NovaTech Automation Demo Flavor Plant, for example, contains are about a hundred master recipes in the recipe database, each with different mixtures of flavors that are blended and then bottled. If the cost of a certain ingredient, such as vanilla, were to rise, all the recipes that contain vanilla would need to be examined and possibly adjusted. Creating a report on all the recipes that contain vanilla, copying those recipes, and generating updated ones can be quite tedious and time-consuming if done manually, but can be largely automated through the use of Microsoft Powershell scripts.
The strength of the Microsoft PowerShell module is in the ease of scripting simple commands that can be strung together to accomplish complex operations. This is strengthened by the many PowerShell modules available to import and export data in a large variety of formats. With Microsoft SQL Server 2014, the SQLPS module allows an easy interface to SQL Server data tables. This opens the door to simplify some FlexBatch recipe management tasks.
The approach consists of creating PowerShell commands to wrap around two SQL queries. The first PowerShell command would query the FlexBatch database for a table of master recipes that contain vanilla over a given amount. The second PowerShell command would generate queries to execute the FlexBatch stored procedure to create a copy of a master recipe returned by the first command.
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