Bitronics D650 Universal Display
Easily Display Measurement Values from Any Substation IED
Connects with DNP3 or Modbus over Ethernet or Serial

The Bitronics D650 Master Display connects easily to any substation IED via DNP or Modbus TCP Master (Serial or Ethernet) to display measurement values residing in those IEDs.

The D650 Connected to an Orion
Key Features
- Connects to Orion, Bitronics transducer, or any other IED
- Full set of measurement values are supported, any measurement available in the Bitronics M650M3 meter using Bitronics standard scaling can be displayed.
- Supports Modbus RTU, DNP3 Serial or Modbus/DNP3 TCP Master protocol
- User can select registers/points in any desired sequence
- Option to use in serial display mode so one model can serve as Master or can be used to receive signals from Bitronics M87x or PPX II in existing installation
Dimensions: 4.5” (w) x 4.5” (h) x 6.5”(d)
Weight: 1.8 lbs.
Power Supply: Universal 48-250V dc/55-240V ac nominal
- Optional Configurable RS-232/RS-485 port, configurable from 9600bps to 115.2kbps
- Standard RJ45 10BaseT/100BaseTX port for service port functions, optional Modbus or DNP3 TCP/IP support
- Operating temperature range -40° to 70°C, storage temperature -40° to 85°C
- Humidity 0-95% non-condensing
- Surge withstand to ANSI/IEEE C37.90.1: 2002
- UL/CSA Recognized, File Number E164178, CE Marked

Web-based Configuration

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