Distribution Grid Monitor (DGM)
Down the Line Monitoring for Voltage Optimization
The DGM provides accurate end-of-line voltages to Conservation Voltage Reduction (CVR) and Volt-VAR Optimization (VVO) schemes. When equipped with current inputs the DGM can provide complete SCADA data from unmonitored rural substations and step-down sites. In FLISR schemes, the DGM can provide indication of overcurrent fault and can provide peak fault currents.

The DGM is a power monitoring solution–also known as a “primary in a box”–that consists of a Bitronics M661 meter, matched Lindsey LEA (low energy analog) sensors, and cabling, plus an optional OrionMX RTU for cybersecurity, I/O, and automation functions.

Advantages of the Bitronics DGM:
• Delivered complete with packaged meter, sensors and cables.
• Can be easily installed without taking an outage. (Two installs/day/truck.)
• High accuracy: better than .5%
• Voltage measurements not affected by load.
• Comes “SCADA ready” with 120V-scaled DNP3 points.
Measurements available from the DGM:
• 3-phase voltages and currents
• Real and reactive power, power factor
• Frequency
• Fault pickup and peak fault currents
Specifications (M661P3)
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