Bitronics Sponsors Gold Medal Team in the SkillsUSA Competition
PUBLISHED ON Apr 26, 2016
Bitronics (Bethlehem, PA) has been sponsoring a team of three high school seniors at the Bethlehem Vo-Tech School in the SkillsUSA Competition. The students are enrolled in the Electronics Engineering and Manufacturing program and their area of competition is Industrial Engineering and Technology where they demonstrate the solder paste process used in printed circuit assembly for surface mount technology.
We are proud to announce that on April 14th, 2016 the students competed at the State Level in Hershey, PA and they took home the Gold Medal. They are now moving on to Nationals which will take place in Louisville, KY on June 23rd, 2016. We would like to recognize Dan Wetzel and June Vazquez from Bitronics for their guidance and support to the students.
Congratulations to the team of Tyler Heft, Tyler Greenawalt, and Nick Lebish.
UPDATE: The NovaTech Automation-sponsored team from Bethlehem Vo-Tech School recently headed to Louisville, Kentucky for the 52nd annual National Leadership and Skills Conference, which is a showcase of career and technical education students. More than 16,000 people–including students, teachers, and business partners participated in the weeklong event.
Although they didn’t place at Nationals, we are very proud of them!