NovaTech Automation’s Kansas Location Recognized for Shipping over 20,000 American Manufactured Products Worldwide
PUBLISHED ON Apr 26, 2016
In February, NovaTech Automation Kansas was presented with a letter of recognition from Rep. Kevin Yoder (3rd Congressional District of Kansas) and an American flag that flew over the Capitol. This award was in recognition of shipping over 20,000 American manufactured products worldwide. The letter reads:
Congratulations to NovaTech Automation, LLC and your team in Lenexa for the accomplishment of having shipped 20,000 American manufactured products worldwide! You are an excellent illustration of American ingenuity and job creation.
Since your Johnson County founding in 1985, I understand you have grown through innovation, technology, and teamwork to meet the needs of those in the electric utility market with specialized devices. Your work to stabilize and secure the electric grid, providing the power necessary for quality daily life and activity, is appreciate by consumers around the globe. On behalf of the 3rd Congressional District of Kansas, than you for your service.
Again, congratulations to you and the NovaTech Automation, LLC Lenexa team on your shipping accomplishment. I wish for you much continued success. If there is ever anything that I can do to be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.
-Kevin Yoder, Member of Congress