IEC 61850 Server Support for the OrionLX
PUBLISHED ON Aug 04, 2016
With the addition of 61850 Server support, the OrionLX can now provide a complete 61850 solution with Client, Server and GOOSE subscribe/publish. The OrionLX can also support applications with both 61850 and legacy automation, as diagrammed above. This means that data from 61850 IEDs can be routed to non-61850 HMIs and SCADA, and vice versa.
For Server applications, a new “Model Builder” feature in NCD enables fast creation of user-specified Server Device models. Logical Devices can be set up any way the user desires. An “IED Device” approach and “Substation Apparatus” approach are diagrammed above. Each Logical Device is populated by one or more Logical Nodes (measurement, protection, control, etc), then Data Objects and Data Attributes. Any point in the Orion real-time database can be dragged and dropped into these Logical Devices. The 61850 user can define Logical Devices based on IEDs, substation apparatus, or any other way that best supports practices.
IED Approach to Defining Logical Devices
OrionLX Server (a physical device with an IP address)
Logical Device (line 1 meter)
Logical Device (line 1 primary 1 relay)
Logical Device (line 1 primary 2 relay)
Logical Device (line 1 PMU)
Logical Device (line 1 breaker monitor)
Logical Device (line 2 meter)
Logical Device (line 2 primary 1 relay)
Logical Device (line 2 primary 2 relay)
Logical Device (line 2 PMU)
Logical Device (line 2 breaker monitor)
Substation Apparatus Approach to Defining Logical Devices
OrionLX Server (a physical device with an IP address)
Logical Device (line 1 breaker)
Logical Device (line 2 breaker)
Logical Device (transformer #1)
Logical Device (transformer #2)